Tuesday, September 28, 2010

365 Days of Something

It seems fitting that the title of this blog post is eerily reminiscent to the title of the movie [500] Days of Summer. That is a film I enjoy, this is a post about films, among other things, that I enjoy.

Earlier this semester I had this feeling that I was somehow missing something. I don't know how to articulate it, exactly, but that seems the most fitting way to explain the feeling that came over me. Perhaps it is because I felt as though I need to make sure that I know something about something, and somewhere along the line what I wanted to know more about were things that are part of our popular culture.

For the past year or so, I have noticed an influx of these '365 day' projects. Near as I can tell, they generally focus on photos. Take a photo a day for a year and share it with the people you know. I can't speak for these people, but maybe the feeling I had was something akin to the feeling they had, the need to embark on some journey that went beyond the shorter cycles that life can seem to exist in.

So I'm stealing their idea. 365 days, but not of photos. Instead, in a year, I hope to watch 365 movies, television series (for current series, that means getting up to the current season and episode, and shows under a full season in length do not count) and reading plays and possibly books, should I magically find the time to add them. I don't know why I think this is so important for me to do. Maybe, for the moment, the why isn't so important. But I've completed thirteen of my 365 items, and I'm eight days in. I've seen eight movies, three television shows (admittedly, some of these were started before this project, but because they were finished during it, I'm counting them) and two plays.

I hope to use this blog to catalog my thoughts on what I watch and read. I think this project would be useless without some place to catalog how I feel about it.

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